Learn to F.O.C.U.S.
We live in special times where we are supposed to catch up with the productivity of bots, scripts and robots and we think that training the distribution of attention is a skill that can help us keep our jobs. I'm here to tell you that it is truly NOT. Jobs that don't need that off the charts CREATIVITY will all soon be taken by robots. You simply CAN'T compete with that and it will turn you into depression or worse. The SOLUTION: In stead what you can claim is a life driven by your OWN GOALS AND DREAMS that you need to FOCUS on. And the one skill that can help you achieve that is MEDITATION. You just simply have to learn how to MEDITATE and clear your mind from all the nonsense of the today's world and in stead of training the distribution of attention so you think you will please and conform to others you should train to MEDITATE in order to FOCUS on what truly matters to you in terms of DRIVE and MOTIVATION. Makes sense? Or you need m...